Series: Overcoming


The Bible talks a lot about happiness. It travels under various aliases — joy, satisfaction, peace/shalom, soul-fullness and many more. But let’s face the unpleasant reality that there are lots of difficulties in our path that can serve to mock the idea that YOU could be happy. Is it possible to overcome these inevitabilities? God doesn’t appear to shield any particular person from all of them, but can we be happy in spite or even in the presence of them? In this series, we will be looking at what God said through Jesus’ half brother, James on the topic of OVERCOMING!
April 25 & 27     OVERCOMING Trials, Temptations & Testing (James 1)
May 2 & 4          OVERCOMING Partiality (James 2)
May 9 & 11        OVERCOMING “Sticks And Stones” — Words that Heal Instead of Hurt (James 3)
May 16 & 18      OVERCOMING the Root of Conflict (James 4)
May 23 & 25      OVERCOMING Prayers — Praying to Overcome (James 5)

Message Outlines

Overcoming Prayers — Praying to Overcome (Outline)
Overcoming the Root of Conflict (Outline)
Overcoming — “Sticks and Stones” — Words that Heal Instead of Hurt (Outline)
Overcoming — OVERCOMING Partiality (Outline)
Overcoming — Trials, Temptations & Testing (Outline)

Message Podcasts
Overcoming: Prayers – Praying to Overcome
Overcoming: The Root of Conflict
Overcoming: “Sticks and Stones – Words that Heal Instead of Hurt”
Overcoming: Partiality
Overcoming: Trials, Temptation & Testing