
This weekend at JOURNEY we began to talk about how to make the Soul Revolution a Permanent Revolution. A revolution that gets all the ways to the practical edges of my life.


And it’s all about a having a plan. There’s a sense in which we were trying to put feet to the messages that we’ve done in this series so far that when you boil it all down are about holding ourselves in God’s presence. But the fact is, for the vision to become experience, we are going to need a plan, it’s going to involve some SPIRITUAL DISCIPLINES or PRACTICES.


Whenever we try to get to the “plan” phase though, there is a problem that immediately presents itself. That being that we have a hard time engaging without turning the practices into merit and earning.


FOR v. WITH: We talked about 2 huge prepositions, one that leads to toxic religion and one that leads to life. The plan is not something we do FOR God. It’s something we do WITH God. That’s His goal all along.


There’s also a plan for US. God deliberately chose to NOT give ALL the gifts to anyone. He also decided to make sure that there is no one with NONE (I know lots of convoluted double negatives).



We always want worship to be an entering into the Presence of God. It is a time when what’s true becomes what’s real. Which is so much what “COMMUNION” is. It was very cool.




Next weekend is our last weekend of this series of sermons even though our small groups have several weeks left. But I think the 60/60 experiment is going to end up being something that marks us!