Leap of Faith Summary

Our goals for you during the Leap of Faith:
1)   That you experience at least one concrete gift from God.
2)   That you experience an even-deeper joy as you find your purpose in God’s work here on earth.
3)   That you grow spiritually more than you have in any other six-week period of your life.
4)   That you see some of your friends and family experience God in new ways.
5)   That, because of these six weeks, you dive deeper into what God is doing here at Journey.

Our goals for Journey during the Leap of Faith:
1)   That we come to a new level of spiritual maturity.
2)   That we come to a new level of loving others in our community.
3)   That more people who attend Journey will become deeply involved in our mission.
4)   That God will take us to a new place of faith with our finances and overflowing generosity and stewardship. Specifically we are asking God to raise up funds for some needed campus upgrades. (You will read about the upgrades in a bit.)


Step 1: Go hard after what you’re hoping God will do for you.

Ask Jesus for something specific that he’d like to do for you during the Leap of Faith to make your life better.
Ask Jesus for how he’d like to make your life
feel better during these six weeks.

  1. Ask God for these things every day during the Leap of Faith.
  2. Tell someone else what you wrote down and ask them to pray for you about those things too.
  3. When you see answers to these two things, tell us, either by e-mailing leapoffaith@journeycom.org
    or by filling out the response card on the weekend program.

Step 2: Go hard after what you’re hoping God will do for your 6.

Pray daily for each of your 6.
Believe God to bless each of your 6 as much as possible with the “steps of faith.”

  1. Initiate social time with one of your 6.
  2. Ask one of your 6 for prayer requests.
  3. Tell a story about how Jesus has blessed you.
  4. Pray for one of your 6 in person.
  5. Invite them to weekend service or your Life Group or Campus Group.
  6. Invite them to get together to talk about Jesus.

Step 3: Go hard after what you’re hoping God will do for your church.

  1. Pray each day for the dreams of the church.
  2. Ask God for inroads and favor with those who feel far from God.
  3. Ask God about what steps you can take to join what God is doing through Journey.
  4. Pray for God’s direction on how you can give in faith towards our campus.


  1. Study the life of Jesus each day in the Daily Leap devotional guide through Mark’s Gospel.
  2. Consider fasting in some way.
  3. If you haven’t already, join a group.