Here are our latest updates for our SPF 23 Campaign!

What is SPF 23?

In this space kids can play and associate church with joy. Parents can sit and share life with each other. Grandparents can invest in the legacy God has given them to nurture and grow. It’s a place we’ll call home, where strangers can become friends, friends can become family, and everyone can enjoy God’s delight in community.
God is calling us to create a beautiful future for Journey with Him and it is up to us to say yes. Will you?
FUNDING THE FUTURE: How your generosity will invest in our family.
Shade Structures
Several large shade structures will cover 70% of the plaza
Community and Play Areas
Two large spaces will include play elements for kids of all ages
A large turf area will provide space for older kids to play
Shaded Walkways
Between the Plaza Cafe, Twice Treasured, and the Plaza Room
School Startup Costs
An on-campus school will provide parents with an alternative schooling option that encourages their involvement and investment
10% To Young Life
A 10% tithe of the final amount raised will go to funding a Young Life staff member in East County for several years
You: How much are we trying to raise?
Us: This is a big dream, but this dream has options. See above for a breakdown of the funding goals.
You: Why are we raising money?
Us: With SPF 23 we are partnering with God and His vision for the future of Journey. We will be creating an outdoor gathering place for our families to enjoy being the family of God together, and all it will take is shade, play, and a heart for the future.
You: So we are redoing the Plaza again?
Us: Yes and no. Much of what is already there will remain, but we will be adding natural play elements (think boulders and logs) for kids to play on, as well as some artificial grass for older kids to play on.
You: So we’re turning the Plaza into a kids playground?
Us: No, we are turning it into a gathering place for everyone. While the kids will have aesthetically pleasing structures to play on, adults will have plenty of seating to enjoy a coffee from the Plaza Cafe and the friendship of the Journey community!
You: I’m still not sold.
Us: Don’t forget the best part – SHADE! The Plaza will be 70% shaded! This means going to church and NOT coming home with a sunburn and sweaty clothes.
You: I’m in.
Us: Good talk. Click here to give now!