New to journey?

First Step
Sign up

Have you been at Journey one year or less?
Are you wondering what Journey is all about?

We hope you’ll join us more often and that perhaps you can make Journey as much your place as it is ours.

In fact, the best way to begin that process is by attending First Step. First Step is an introduction to Journey and will give you an overview of who we are. It’s normally held on the first Sunday of every month at 12:30 pm. We’ll introduce you to the DNA of Journey, our core values, our take on what it looks like to do life with Jesus and give you more information about next steps to getting more connected here.  You’ll also get a chance to meet some of our pastoral team and others from Journey.

To complete your registration for First Step and to help us get to know you a bit, tap the Sign Up button and fill out the form or call us at (619) 464-4544. 

First Step is normally held on the first Sunday of the month from 12:30 – 2 pm in the Plaza Room. Click the Sign Up button to register for the next available date or a future session.

Once you've attended First Step, join us for Our Journey. Our Journey is part of Explore, and Explore is the place the Pathway begins!
More Info on the Pathway


Contact the First Step coordinator.

First Step

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