PATHWAY - Impact 301
JESUS SCHOOL of Ministry
To equip people to do ministry like Jesus did, grounded in Identity, Intimacy with the Father and through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit.
This 9 month cohort program will ignite a fire in your heart and grow your faith in a miracle working God. Get healthy, whole and free. Serve and lead in partnership with Father’s mission “On earth as it is in heaven”. Become someone who moves their surroundings toward revival. JSM is a blend of teaching, mentorship, reading, reflection, activation and serving.
JSM Orientation – August 26 — Class starts September 8
Pastor John will be leading the school along with a number of other facilitators.
Class will meet on Monday nights from 6-9pm beginning at the end of August and continuing through mid January. Second semester starts at the end of January and runs through June 9. There will be a number of breaks in the school year.
Students will grow together relationally as a group of cohorts as we learn, get mentored and activated.
Students should expect to do about 2 hours of homework each week. Homework is NOT difficult. It is typically something like reading a chapter in a book or watching a message on YouTube and then answering the question, “What did God highlight in this message for you?”
You may take just the first semester and stop, but you may not take second semester without first completing first semester.
We recommend that you enroll in the school even if you have already taken the Prophetic & Healing class. The school will cover a much wider spectrum of topics than the Prophetic & Healing class. In addition, the school will go much more in depth than the class.
For all ages 18 and up.
Applications due August 17th. Cost is $120 for Journey attenders and $140 for non-attenders per semester and is all inclusive (books, training materials, conference registrations and meals)
Let us know you’re interested! there is no obligation to finding out more. Simply fill out the form below and we will send you an information packet as well as information on how to apply.