18 – 23 year olds

college Ministry

Join our Journey College Community!

During the school year, we meet Monday evenings from 5:30 – 7:30 in the Encounter Room to do an in-depth Bible Study we like to call “Bible Sessions.” We also have a once a month “Pop Up Event” where we do different activities together as a community. 

Join us for our SUMMER NIGHTS every single Monday night this summer. Click below for the schedule.

You Know What? We Already Like You:

Whether you are in college or working, if you are between the ages of 18-23, you are invited to be a part of creating a culture of excitement, passion, and growth, all while taking steps towards Jesus.

Our Mission:

What does it mean to look, live, and love like Jesus while stepping into the world of adulthood? We believe we are critical members of Journey Community Church and can actively engage in Sunday worship, serving, and leaning into the larger body of Christ Followers all while learning and growing ourselves spiritually.

What do we do?

  • Once a month, join us for after Church lunch, hangouts, and coffee-crawls at some of San Diego’s best food spots.
  • Be on the lookout for Worship Nights & Fun Activities together to build community.

Want to serve?

Have you ever wondered what it means to serve at Journey? A great way to get plugged in is through serving. We believe as a college-aged student; serving can deeply enrich the lives of others and ourselves. Get plugged in through serving in one of our amazing ministries here at Journey.

Get connected!

We’d love to hear from you — contact our College Director Morgan Mitchell below. 

Morgan Mitchell

Morgan Mitchell

College & Young Adult Pastor

Contact Morgan

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