Hope for the Homeless
Want to help out with Hope for the Homeless?
Every Friday evening since 2003, people of all ages have gathered at the Journey Food Bank to make PB&J sandwiches and deliver them to the homeless in downtown San Diego. Simply show up between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm on Friday and we’ll show you the ropes!
When We Meet
Every Friday show up between
2:30 pm and 5:30 pm in Encounter room
next to Journey Food Bank.
We Make Sandwiches
Help assemble peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and put together food bags from 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm.
Go to Downtown San Diego!
Gather at 5:30 pm for carpool to
bring sandwiches and connect with our homeless friends. We return about 9 pm.
Every Friday you can just show up or you can also let us know that you’re coming here: VOLUNTEER SIGN UP
See how being a part of Hope for the Homeless has impacted the lives of our volunteers.
Help purchase food
To donate online, click here to directly support our program. Your donation will help purchase peanut butter, jelly, bread, waters, and supplies. We also occasionally purchase hygiene products, socks and other essentials.
Follow us on Instagram
See what we’re up to! Follow us on
Instagram @journeylocalglobal
Follow us on Facebook
Hear cool stories! Follow us on Facebook @journeylocalglobal
Can Kids participate? Yes.
Hope for the Homeless ministry wants you and your kids! We encourage you to serve with your family. Kids of all ages can participate, however most families serve with kids 5 years old and up.
What time do you actually start? Can I show up late? Yes. You can show up anytime between 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm.
At 2:30 pm every Friday we start making 680+ PB&J sandwiches. We finish by 3:30 pm.
At 3:30 pm we assemble the meal sacks with sandwich, water, snacks and an encouraging verse. We finish by 4:30 pm.
At 5:30 pm we gather to pray and divide into groups to carpool downtown.
Between 5:45 pm – 6:00 pm we depart for downtown. We combine into as few cars as possible. We return before 9 pm.
Do I have to participate in the whole evening? No.
You can just help make sandwiches or you can just join us for downtown.
2:30 pm – 4:30 pm Meal Prep Only If you’re not able to join us as we head downtown, you can show up and just prepare sandwiches and meal sacks and then head into Friday night church or on your way.
5:30 pm – 9 pm Downtown Only. If you can’t make it off work to make sandwiches – no problem! We NEED and would LOVE to have you join us downtown. The more we have join us, the quicker we’ll finish. You’ll also find your fellow volunteers to be friendly and helpful and your time with the homeless to be eye-opening. Show up to Encounter/ Foodbank area by 5:30 pm to find us to carpool.
Where do I find you? Encounter (High School room), next to the Foodbank.
We’ve moved into Encounter to have more space for our sandwich making assembly lines.
Where do you go? We have two routes. Most new comers join us on our route on Broadway that passes out 250 bags of food and essentials donated from Twice Treasured (clothes, blankets, etc.). We carpool due to limited parking. This route finishes about 8:30 pm and returns to Journey before 9 pm. Our second route heads to Petco area. There is greater need in this area and these dedicated folks pass out 350+ bags of food until after 9 pm.