Our Journey Workshops are the best way to get connected in this large community we call Journey. During our six interactive sessions we will explore the ESSENTIAL relationships, practices and experiences that will enable you to get the most out of all that we have to offer in our community at Journey. The sixth session provides a chance to learn about opportunities at Journey for small groups, classes and serving, as well as to discern your next step on our community’s Pathway of movement toward Jesus as His disciples.
If you have attended First Step or have been attending Journey for over a year, this workshop is for you!
Our Journey is for everyone who is a part of our Journey community — long time Journeyites, veteran Christ-followers, and people new to Jesus and Journey. We’re all in this together!
Next Session
Sundays, February 16 – March 23
6 weeks
9 – 10:30 am
The Plaza Room
Contact the Our Journey coordinator.