O.k. I apologize about the lack of a post from last weekend. It’s not like I didn’t have any thoughts. But frankly it’s a LITTLE BUSY AROUND HERE, BUT I’M NOT STRESSED OR ANYTHING!!!!!
I feel better now. I obviously needed that word about Jubilee from Sarah Benitez this last weekend. It was a powerful concept that Jesus came to declare Jubilee and in doing so declared Himself to be the Messiah. I also loved the word “TODAY” that Luke specifically uses. It’s beyond a time marker. If I can drop a theological term on you, it’s “eschatological”, it’s a loaded “today” when Jesus says “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4: ) and when the angel announces “today… there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” I’m trying to discipline myself to not miss the Jubilee that is declared over me by Jesus today.
WORSHIP – It was great having Jason get us ready for Christmas eve. My Soul Sings is going to ROCK at the Christmas eve services.
CHRISTMAS EVE – You can click here for more info. But if you are a regular Journey person, invite like crazy and find a service in which you can serve! It was kind of fun hosting and not speaking this weekend. I needed the time to get the Christmas Eve services ready, but its always interesting to look at the services from a different seat as it were.