Creation is the first to give hint of the generosity of the Creator. Not just one rote sunset after another, but an ever-changing melting of colors is created in each evening’s sky. Such a variety of animals intrigue and delight our eyes and sometimes our hearts. Crashing waves, crystal waterfalls, rushing streams, silver raindrops and sparkling snow fields- water forms that make us say “Wow!”; for “He richly gives us all things to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17)

When it was time to restore mankind back to Himself, God did not send an angel to earth to do so. He came down Himself. His Presence among us would be the greatest present of all. Mortal men and women touched Him, the Eternal One. They ate with Him and heard His words-this All-Knowing Being from a golden land of glory! How generous He was with Himself! How freely He gave His body to torture and His heart to anguish, to make us treasured sons and daughters of God.

Now the Creator’s generosity flows in a more personal way toward His kids. “How great is the love the Father has LAVISHED on us…” (1 John 3: 1) From His storehouse of goodness, He brings out undeserved favor- “grace after grace”. (Psalm 31:19; John 1:16) Like the sunrise, “His mercies are NEW every morning…” (Lamentations 3:22, 23) Finally, our Father promises He is preparing things for us, that which our “eyes have not seen, ears have not heard…” things we have never even imagined! (1 Corinthians 2:9)


How do we respond to this lavish love, generous grace, and magnanimous mercy? This season, may our hearts be filled with gratitude and overflow with words of thanksgiving and praise for all God has given, all He is giving now, and all He has promised to give in the future! May we be children like our Father, who lavish love and gifts of grace to others with generous hearts and open hands. And, like Jesus, may we be present.

— April King, Production Team Volunteer 

