On Wednesday night, September 28, pastors in our area who pray together every month met in response to the tragic events in El Cajon. Feeling like we really needed to express the unity that we have in Christ, we decided to write something up for all of us to use in...

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MIX TAPE, THE PSALMS & the weekend that was!

MIX TAPE, THE PSALMS & the weekend that was!

MIX TAPE, Journey's series on the PSALMS, the song book of the people of Israel is on! We are looking at 5 Psalms this August that deal with 5 of our emotions. Psalms reflect an amazing array of emotions. Here are some pics from last weekend! Michael Pinning sang the...

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John Lynch’s Notes

Notes from July 8 & 10, 2016 Man rarely approaches faith with an adequate apprehension of grace. God instead allows us to see our failure and inability to solve ourselves. Then He undoes us by revealing Himself greater than our fears. This fear frees us from our...

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HEART UPDATE Thought I’d give you a quick update on my heart in light of my 20 hours of hospital time and my lovely picture in my surfboard decorated hospital gown. I had a “pre-op” meeting with my electrophysiologist on Monday and felt good about the plan moving...

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Ed’s Heart Update

Ed’s Heart Update

Thanks so much for praying me up! I feel so supported and covered in prayer! It means so much to Linda and I. I know that God hears when we call to Him! We didn’t get the news we were hoping for. The echocardiogram showed that my heart function (measured by something...

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Child Dedications

Child Dedications

We had epic child dedications on April 24, 2016 and it was one of the largest Journey has ever had!! How amazing is that! Here are a couple of photos from the weekend. Click here to check out all the child dedication photos!

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