Men's Community

Our Men’s Community is for men of all ages and stages of life to gather, learn and encourage each other as Christ followers in all aspects of life — at home, in the workplace, at church and in the world.

Our hope is to connect men at Journey to God and each other. When men get together stuff happens. Our men’s groups meet in small groups at different times and places around the community.

The following list includes location and leader contact information.

La Mesa (Tuesday nights)  Vic Mosso

La Mesa (Wednesday Morning)  Howard Brown/Ron Perry

JCC Campus (Monday nights) – Pure Desire Emphasis  Terry Keena

If you have any questions, please contact us using the form at the bottom of the page.

Mens Ministry Breakfast

Open to All Men at Journey, this will be held on Saturday January 27th, 2024 from 8:30-10:30 , a great way for men to dive into community and meet other great men at Journey!


Location: Plaza Room
Speaker: Active Duty Navy Seal Christopher Eggers
Breakfast donation of $5 to $10 appreciated 
Contact: Victor at or call 619-890-8889 if you plan on attending. 

Contact Men's Community

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