Several of you have asked me how to easily get the messages from the weekend services at Journey. Apparently insomnia is a more common problem than I thought.

I am not the most tech savey person you will ever talk to – I know, shocking since I have such a knack working with my hands. But my friend & colleague Daniel Benitez is a wizard of practical tech know-how. So I asked him to write up the SIMPLEST way to down load the messages. This should work for most of the people you might want to listen to like Rob Bell, Andy Stanley whoever.



The fastest and easiest way to get the weekly Journey Community Church Message Podcast is via the iTunes Music Store™:

1.    To reach the Journey Community Church Podcast on the iTunes Music Store™, click the following link:

This link will automatically open iTunes and redirect the Music Store to the Journey Community Church Podcast page.

(Note: If you DO NOT have the iTunes Music Player on your computer, the link will redirect you to and suggest that you download the iTunes application. Follow the instructions to install iTunes on your computer. iTunes is compatible with both Macs & PCs. Once you have installed iTunes, click on the link again.)

2.    Once the page loads, you have the option of either downloading individual podcasts or subscribing.

3.    Hit “Subscribe” If you subscribe, message podcasts will automatically download to your iTunes each week.

4.    Once you have subscribed, you will be able to listen to the message podcast on your computer, burn a CD of the message, or transfer it to your mp3 player to take on the go.