When you’re part of a Life Group, you discover authentic connection and growth far beyond typical church attendance. You grow in faith and develop friendships with Jesus at the core. You pray for, encourage and support each other, experience God together, and even impact our world together!

Life Groups meet once a week in a leader’s home, or in a room on Journey’s campus. Depending on the group, they will either go through a book or Bible study together, or they’ll focus on the weekend message and how it applies to their current life situation.

We encourage you to find a Life Group where you fit and belong. Feel free to attend a variety until you find the right group for you!

Find a Life Group

Find a group that meets in your neighborhood or on the Journey campus!

Start a Group

Learn how to start your own Life Group


Read the FAQs


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Do you have questions or need help getting connected? Fill out the contact form and we will get in touch with you.

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