Join us for our Summer Series! Starts June 6th in Mission Beach!
Even the most mature believers face dark times. During those times God seems so distant, His word feels dry, and the vibrant intimacy we knew seems absent. Leaving us wondering “Where is God in all of this?” Psalm 119 aims to introduce us to the words of king David who experienced the same season of life. Psalm 119 demonstrates the power of Gods word in the lives of believers and it’s ability to provide a warm blanket for the soul.
Join us this summer as we warm our bodies in the summer sun and our souls in discussions through our PSALMS 119 Summer Series.
starting June 6th…
Volleyball & Life Group
Thursdays, 6 – 9 p
Mission Beach (map)
No Childcare provided for summer series.
Childcare will resume when CAYAC Life Groups return to Journey campus on September 19th.