Life, fairly often can feel boring, mundane, repetitive… Leaving us at times thinking, “there has to be more than this.” We even intentionally try and do things that feel adventurous or exciting or even dangerous, just to feel alive. And every now and again, we stumble upon something that makes us say, “This… is truly living!”
Join us for a weekend away as we realize that Jesus is calling us back to life. And the life that he is calling us into is anything but boring, mundane, and repetitive.
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” —Romans. 8:15 MSG
Where: Indian Hills Camp
When: January 10th-12th 2014 (Friday-Sunday)
Please Drop Off students at Indians for check in at 5:00pm on Friday.
We will Provide students rides back to Journey on Sunday to be picked up in Riptide at 12:15pm
What: Riptide is putting on it’s own WinterCamp, just for you!!! This will include hanging out, games, camp recreation (Paintball, Zip Lines, Craft Cabin, etc.), bonding, a Guest Band, and Gatherings.
Cost: $105- Early Bird Special SIGN UP NOW — $125- After December 15th
Sign up Here: WinterCamp 2014
For Scholarship Application: Application