We wrapped up our “DIALOGUE” series this weekend with one of the more common topics that came up, is Christianity good for the world. It was a great weekend of services at Journey. The challenge of the message was that it really was 4 short messages. I tried my best to make sure they connected. I have to prop Tim Keller & his magnificent book The Reason For God for a couple of money quotes that seem to bring stuff to life. My favorite part of the weekend was being able to talk about GRACE. I still marvel at the grace of God in my life. This is not me be properly modest. I marvel.


Here are a few other highlights.
•    GUEST WORSHIP BAND – MIKE CLARK. Jason needed a break to get ready for Easter in terms of our rehearsal so we brought in Mike Clarke & his band. They did a great job. In our prayer time before the Friday service I prayed for quick, even instant connection. God really answered that prayer. There was wonderful anointing on the worship. Mike’s song, Beauty of the Still is money!




•    CHAT ROOM – These are fun for me. They are all different. We had time (took time is more like it) for 4 questions on Friday, but only 2 in each of the Sunday a.m. services.
•    SATURDAY WAS FUN – Some of us have went surfing fairly early. It was major fun. It was sunny, glassy with some chest high sets. It was mostly people we knew out there. Linda picked me up from the beach & we headed up to OC to see my mom. I haven’t been up there in a while, I was actually overdue. We had a great time with almost NO TRAFFIC. Wow does that change stuff.


•    THE MADNESS IS MADDENING – I’m pretty much out of the running in every pool I’m in. Here’s my Final 4 – L-Ville, Memph St, OK & PITT. As you probably know – they ALL LOST this weekend. There have been some great games, fun to watch.

Next weekend begins Holy Week. I love this week. Frankly, I need this week. We will have a Holy Week devotional – something for each day. Good Friday will be as powerful as usual, both services. Then Easter… O yeah!