This was weekend #2 of in our worship series called “FROM CONSUMER TO CONSUMED”! This is one of those series in which there is a fairly direct result that we are aiming at, which is to raise the worship temp at Journey. What I’m not sure of is what exactly that will look like. This was also LIFE WALK weekend, which was a pretty big deal. It’s not a stretch to see how the message of the weekend and the LIFE WALK is connected.
Here are a few highlights from the weekend:
3 REALLY DIFFERENT “WORSHIP” EXPERIENCES – We didn’t plan it this way at all, but the music part of the services looked way different each service. The songs were the same, the band was great in all of them, but it seemed really clear that the Holy Spirit was leading Jason differently in each service. It was a little weird and very cool.
MESSAGE WAS KIND OF FUN FOR ME – I loved sharing the Talmudic bathroom prayer as 1 Cor 10:31 illustration. But my favorite part and the part that felt kind of weird to be honest, was playing the 2 minute clip from John Piper’s message. I happily give credit to him for shaping my thinking on worship. In fact, if you want to just download some of his worship messages to your iPod & pop that in after the music segment this weekend that would be cool with me.
DANCE – Pamela Turner put together this astounding worship dance to a Sigur Ros song. I was so moved! I love reclaiming the arts. I love services where we are speaking directly to those who learn best by something other than a lecture and an outline or even singing songs. I love it when the message doesn’t beat you over the head (sometimes it needs to, but there is a place for artistically asking people to stretch & imagine).
PRAYER – I had several powerful prayer moments over the course of the weekend.
• On Friday, a friend with a proven track record shared a prophetic word with me after the service. It was pretty thought provoking. I’m still thinking about it.
• Several of us prayed with a couple of women who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m praying against this scourge.
LIFE WALK – I’m going to post a separate post of this tomorrow. Mostly pics, but a few reflections.
BACK IN THE H2O – I haven’t been able to surf because of all the stuff going on. Finally today, I was back in the water. Those of you that follow me on Twitter or Facebook know that today was an amazing day. Fall is the best! Everyone is back in school, so a having Monday off is awesome! Also, our weather is the best this month. We have this phenomenon called “combo swells” in the fall too. Which means that there is still some wave coming from the S Pacific (summer) and those from the N Pacific are starting to come. So there’s always something. Good waves and good weather. O yeah! Today was great. I surfed with a couple of guys from Journey. We had a blast.
Look for tomorrow’s post with pics from the LIFE WALK.