What is your biggest passion?
KIDS! To be honest I never in a million years thought that would my answer if someone asked me this question. I have a 12-year-old daughter who is the love of my life but aside from her I was never really a big fan of kids. I started out trying to help out in G-Force probably about a year after I started attending Journey. My daughter was a part of that class so I thought what better way to spend time with her and to see what she was learning. It was a rough start for me though. I was so intimidated by the kids so I didn’t help too often. I did begin to help more and more as God pushed me further and further out of my comfort zone. I have now been a weekly volunteer with kids in 3rd – 6th grade for at least 3 years now.
This past year, I was also given the opportunity to be a small group leader for 6th grade girls. I just adore them and I love the fact that God chose me to feed into their lives for this time. Although, it doesn’t end there; God has led me on a journey that I am so thankful for but I never would have thought would be for me. Like I said the kids intimidated me but I knew it was something I needed to embrace and learn to grow with.
When Journey partnered up with New Alternatives Herrick’s Children’s Center for foster kids I went to the first meeting to check it out. This time He broke my heart for what breaks His and I knew I wanted to get involved. I eventually started making tie blankets with the foster kids on a weekly basis for other foster kids. They even made scarfs for our homeless friends in downtown San Diego. I learned a lot from them and I think they liked that they could do something to help someone else.
Last year, I was asked to help plan Summer Fun Camp Tecate. I almost have no words for what I experienced through that process. What I do know is that love transcends all barriers and even though I don’t speak their language I love them with all my heart and I know they love me too. We have a special bond now. God has even got me writing the curriculum for SFC Tecate 2014! Who knew??? It’s been a crazy ride so far but I know God isn’t finished. I happen to be a young mom; I had my daughter when I was 20. I never really understood until now why (besides my mistakes) in His plan he would have a child raise a child. What I understand now is that if I hadn’t had my daughter early I wouldn’t be in a position to love all the other kids that God has put in my path or is planning on putting in my path in the future!
What is one decision that you know that God influenced?
He had me start coming back to church. I went to church when I was a child and accepted Jesus as my savior but around the age of 9 or 10 my family stopped going. I grew up thinking I knew God but I didn’t. In my mid-twenties I battled with depression, an unhealthy relationship, unemployment, being a single mom, and I really felt like my life was in shambles. Everything seemed to be crashing down around me. My girlfriend from high school had been posting things on MySpace about God and it sparked an interest in me. I wondered why and how she seemed to be so happy. I contacted her; she told me her story, told me to get a bible, read the book of Matthew and find a church. So, I bought a bible though I didn’t read it but I did go to a church. That first Sunday the pastor spoke only to me and I knew that God had put me in the right place.
When was a time you took a risk with your faith?
My risk was joining women’s ministry. I used to be really shy, like debilitating shy. So actually joining a small group for me was terrifying. Plus, I had only been going to church regularly for a year and a half so I felt dumb as far as bible knowledge went. God came through there too. He gave me a great group of ladies who welcomed me in and are my friends to this day. I’ve learned so much from being in a women’s group. I’ve learned more about God and more about myself. I’m also not really shy anymore which is definitely a miracle from God and I wouldn’t have that either if I hadn’t joined women’s ministry!