
Have you ever taken a leap of faith?

Well I could tell a story of some risks I’ve taken but I think it’s more relevant to talk about the place I feel I’m in right now. I feel I’m in a place of getting stronger for new leaps—training if you will.

I think of life with God itself as “a leap of faith.” After all I don’t know about you but sometimes it seems being open with my heart to God seems to be some of the scariest stuff out there. Risking with the seemingly little things, I am finding prepares my heart to be ready and trusting when larger things in life come up, whether they are good or a bit rough. It’s a risk of investment, with time spent, resources, talents, and investment in people. The bigger choices don’t seem so intimidating when I think about how faithful God is with the little. Feeling ready for something new and next as I see the fruits of where I have invested in the people and passions he has in front of me right now. When I reminded myself He’s with me/in me and good, little seems impossible.