I am trying to get back to my monthly rhythm of solitude the 1st Monday & Tuesday of each month. I just got my year all planned out late this week. I was just out there 3 weeks ago you may recall, but next week was not available & I fear losing the regularity of this critical practice. Because of my schedule I knew I would have to do some work out there on this weeks message, but at least I’m back in rhythm.
So on Sunday I see some friends from Church. Neal is in critical transition point in his life seeking God’s direction. I get this vague sense I should do something with him. But off I go.
On my way home (it’s about 1:30) an out of nowhere thought comes that says, “You should invite Neal to go to the desert with you.” My response, logically unassailable, was, “Now that wouldn’t really be solitude, now would it?”
Three hours later, I’m on my way to the gym & I get a call on my new iPhone (16 gigs – more than Todd, Brian or Lee!) from… any guesses??? Neal! “Hey, I know this is last minute but I was wondering if you could check on that desert house for me. I really need to get some prayer time in & I all of the sudden have Monday & Tuesday available.”
My response: “Dude, sorry, I’ve already booked myself to be out there. Find another time & I’ll see if I can talk to Butch & Ann for you.”
I’m not the smartest person in the, um… lets say in the CAR at the time (I’m by myself). Finally I figure out that I supposed to call Neal back & say, “Wanna go?” He did. We went. It was cool.
We just got back. Good times, but I’m not the quickest some time