Fear lurks around every corner of life, each twist and turn, speaking constantly to our hearts. Think what Fear might have whispered to Mary — “You’ll be gossiped about, shamed, and rejected by your fiancé and family.” Around another turn: “This God-infant may not even look human.” Then: “You won’t be a good enough parent for such a child.” But, Mary spoke back to Fear with a song full of faith in her Great God. “My soul exalts the Lord and rejoices in God my Savior.” (Luke 1:46-47) And, Fear retreated for a time.

Fear sometimes shouts as it springs from hiding to grab us by the throat in a grasp that won’t let go. Suddenly Mary must flee to Egypt with the infant Jesus. How loudly Fear must have screeched — “You will all be slaughtered by Herod’s soldiers! They are everywhere and will find the child!” In the face of Fear, might Mary have spoken back the words of her ancestor David: “I have put my trust in God; I will not be afraid.”? (Psalm 56:11) 

Jesus says “Don’t be afraid. Just believe.” (Luke 8:50) When Fear whispers insidiously or shouts suddenly, we will speak and sing back words of faith in our Great God. Fear not! He is worthy of all our trust.

— April King, Production Team Volunteer

