
What was your first time at Journey like?

Well, my first time at Journey was way back in 2003 when I was a guest speaker for one of the weekend services.  Even back then it was obvious God was up to something special, something big!  My first time as staff I remember well since we drove across the country and that weekend my wife and I looked at each other and said, “This is HOME”!

When was a time you took a risk with your faith?

I just met a couple that were talking to me about their upcoming wedding. Lots of excitement and lots of planning jitters.  In the middle of it, I sense a fear in the gal that was under the surface. I did not know them well, so I keeping it “light” would have been the natural thing.  But, I stopped and asked what it is she was fearful off. About an hour later through tears she was closer to God and more transparent with her fiancé.  It could have gone south but I leaped into what I heard God’s voice saying.