by Ed Noble | Sep 15, 2008 | Weekends |
We had another great & intense weekend at Journey. People seem to be really into the series & even the biblical narrative itself. The subject this weekend about the issues of our work effects just about everyone. Lots of people are going through some...
by Ed Noble | Sep 10, 2008 | Weekends |
This was one of those weekends that were fun for me to be at Journey. • THE OTHER JOSEPH SERIES KICKS OFF – our team does a pretty good job of leveraging series beginnings & wrap-ups for a feel of momentum. Message wise it always takes more work to kick off a...
by Ed Noble | Sep 4, 2008 | Weekends |
We put out amazing video stuff at Journey. The Dans (think Office Space with “the Bobs) are talented guys with Kindom hearts and a super high get it factor. The videos always serve the weekend service experience. I am beyond blessed to be working with these guys...
by Ed Noble | Sep 4, 2008 | Spiritual life, Theology, Uncategorized, Weekends |
Before we get too far from last weekend, I wanted to share one more thought on prayer that I’m calling “Worst to First”. It’s a little bit of a round about thought so please bear with me. It has to do with my personal Bible reading. I follow a reading plan that takes...
by Ed Noble | Sep 2, 2008 | Spiritual life, Uncategorized, Weekends |
We wrapped up a series this weekend called “Significant”. It was really quite a cool series. They were lots of cool things throughout this series that I liked • SIGNIFICANCE VIA SERVING and the MINISTRY EXPO – We are still following up all the 1st time serving...
by Ed Noble | Aug 22, 2008 | Spiritual life, Weekends |
I haven’t mentioned how we did on the $1 offering for the victims of the earthquake in China & the Typhoon in Myanmar. World Vision asked us to be a part of 1000 churches who who ask people for $1 for a total of 1000 to raise a million dollars for the...