Update From Haiti

Lead Pastor Ed Noble shares thoughts on the last night of his most recent trip to Haiti. Join us this weekend to hear more about the trip and what God is doing through Journey in Haiti.

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GOODNEWSING, RENAISSANCE and the Weekend that Was

GOODNEWSING, RENAISSANCE and the Weekend that Was

Sometimes you just got to make up words. With a nod to our friend Scot McKnight and his book, The King Jesus Gospel this week’s message was about “GOOD-NEWSING”. (On a side note, Scot’s book is wonderful and provocative and would make a great read). The “Good News”...

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RENAISSANCE AS RELEASE and the Weekend that Was

RENAISSANCE AS RELEASE and the Weekend that Was

It’s not a matter of if! God is doing a renaissance! It’s going to be all encompassing. The rocks and trees and dirt will cry out. “Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy before the Lord; for He is coming to judge the earth… (Psalm...

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RENAISSANCE AS RECOVERY and the Weekend that Was

RENAISSANCE AS RECOVERY and the Weekend that Was

We launched “Renaissance” last weekend at Journey. The events of Easter mean we can experience Resurrection life, Renaissance. It’s something God is doing and is His unstoppable plan! But for us it starts with us experiencing “Birth from above” new birth! The question...

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What an amazing weekend at Journey. Easter is always EPIC at Journey. Journey WAS born on an Easter weekend.   Among the many things that blew me away We INVITED like crazy! I met so many guests and friends Which is probably why the place was PACKED! That was fun...

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SOUNDS OF RES 2 and the Weekend that Was

SOUNDS OF RES 2 and the Weekend that Was

I’m blessed beyond all reason in that week in and week out, I feel like God meets me somewhere in the process of prepping the Weekend Message. Sometimes I’ll look over old messages notes and be amazed that I came up with that (knowing that I only kinda did). Usually...

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