Hold on! Here Comes Change
by Linda Mullen
Many years ago, when I graduated from Nursing School, the students were asked to submit an inspirational quote that would be printed under their picture in the year book. My classmates picked some beautiful sayings. Mine was different. It said, “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on!”
At the ripe old age of 20, I had already figured out that life was rough. I knew that change, whether good or bad, was difficult. Back then, the only rope I knew to hold on to was myself.
In 1977, I came face to face with Jesus. Finally, I was able to hold onto Someone other than myself because I discovered He was holding on to me.
I hold on to the Father who gave me life and all good gifts.
I hold on to Jesus who gave me salvation, healing, deliverance, and authority.
I hold on to Holy Spirit who comforts, teaches, and fills me with power.
I hold on to His Word. The bible is more to me than a group of alphabet letters scattered on a written page. It is the very breath, purpose, and will of the God I hang on to. Sometimes it is just one verse that carries me through. Sometimes it is truth about His character. Sometimes is it remembering how He carried me through in the past.
So if you are in the mountains or valleys of change, I give you hope that this time will pass. But in the chaos, my advice is to tie a knot and hang on to God.

Linda Mullen is a Bible teacher, speaker, and ordinary person. Many years ago, during her own journey of healing, she discovered the importance of learning how to hang on to God when things got tough. She lives in San Diego County, where she attends Journey Community Church with other like-minded warriors who are learning to go through life’s chaos with victory.
Linda is also an award-winning watercolorist.
You can view her work at www.lindamullen.com