This weekend, I like several other friends that I know of, are addressing our economic crisis in our weekend messages. (I did the 1st of our 3 services last night – AWESOME MESSAGE – Just kidding. I felt like I struggled a bit).

On Friday morning I received an email forward from someone from Journey that was about a day of prayer for the worlds economies. Often if an email has the FW in the subject line I just delete it. As many of you know who email me, I get way more email than I can respond to in a timely manner. Anyway, I open this email & see this day of prayer mentioned (Oct 29) and as I scroll down I see that it’s from Cindy Jacobs.

For those of you who don’t know her, Cindy Jacobs is, from where I sit, a little bit out there. She traffics in the prophetic, is a little controversial, and has taken her fair share of criticism. I’m not totally comfortable with all that she says frankly. BUT (large BUT here) I have heard her in person and I will say this: she hears from God! I will leave it to another post to sort through the theology of all of this, but I believe the hand of God is on this lady, but she’s out there.

I see in this call to pray for the global economies 10 prayer points. I’m assuming, to my shame, that I will read the typical stuff that you tend to hear when calls for prayer for nations is mentioned. Then I actually read them. I can hardly get through them without choking up. WOW! I mentioned them in the message last night. I think they are MONEY! (Pun intended)

Let’s pray them! I think this would be a deep & rich exercise of the spirit.

Urgent Prayer Points
Here are a few suggested prayer points for the day:
1. Repent for any personal greed. Ask God to show you any personal connection that you have with mammon.
2. Repent for the economic sins of your nation. Ask God to forgive the greed, avarice, participation in mammon, etc., that has taken place in your nation’s economic system.
3. Repent for any excessive participation in debt. Ask God to give a strategy both to you, personally, and to your country to heal your economies.
4. Repent for a lack of love for the poor. Ask God to forgive any way in which you and your nation have not addressed the needs of the poor, either in the workforce or through racism.
5. Cry out to God for mercy for your nation. Plead with Him according to 2 Chronicles 7:14 and pray that your nation will turn from any wicked ways.
6. Pray for wisdom for the leaders of your nation on how to deal with the current financial crisis.
7. Ask God to stabilize the nation’s economy, putting the lid back on the box as shown in the dream given.
8. Begin to intercede and ask God to establish righteousness in the stock exchange, expose corruption, and bring to justice those who have sinned against God and the nation. Ask God to heal the economy.
9. Pray that God will raise up an economy based upon biblical principles.
10. Intercede that a great revival will break out in the marketplace as a result of the shaking. Pray that God will begin to give wisdom in the midst of the shaking – to shift the wealth of nations into the hands of the righteous.