“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Cor 6:19-20


I have a friend who is always trying to get me to go to the gym. She tells me that when she takes care of herself she is loving God. This has been the key motivator for her to diet, exercise and refrain from many indulges she used to partake in before she met Christ. I’m often convicted just by the presence of her water bottle, knowing my doctor has told me I should lay off coffee and just drink more water. I often wish I didn’t feel beholden to the carnal desires of my body, who tells me it wants cookies all day, every day, but don’t have the discipline to break my bad habits.


I imagine my story is a lot like most of yours, whether it’s an addiction to food, to sleep, to substance, it just feels like you have no control over your desires, and must bend to their will or your very body will rebel against you. The verse above is usually used as a shaming mechanic to try to motivate us out of bad behavior, but only love can transform the way we see and relate to ourselves. Today, we open our bodies, and see where we have honored our undisciplined desires and invite the Holy Spirit to indwell us.



What bodily desire do you have that you feel has control over you?


What does it look like to love God with that desire?



Lord, Your word says you have cultivated in me self control, but I have not kept up the work. Forgive me for using the space meant to reflect Your glory as a dumping ground for worldly pleasures. Holy Spirit, I give you space in my body, and in it’s desires and ask You to teach me how to best honor You. Amen.