“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Col 3:17


I know some exceptionally talented people. The way they express art, music, and ideas is so far above usual capabilities it’s almost holy. It’s easy to marvel at their work and praise both their discipline and expression. How tempting that praise must be.


As people are prone to worship what we perceive as excellent, those of us with gifts and talents are faced with the choice of receiving and internalizing glory or reflecting it back to the One who gave us our gifts in the first place. It is easy to feel entitled to glory, as many gifts are disciplined and honed to become better, and we want the effort we put into developing our talents to be acknowledged.


How important Paul’s encouragement is here. As we work, create, express the revelation we have been given, we do so in stewardship, in the name of the Lord. We accept that He sees the good we’ve done with what He’s given us, and that we do not need to take glory away from Him, instead, we can thank Him that we can be a conduit of His beauty on earth. Today, we open our talents and abilities and avail them to God, asking how we can bring Him glory and receive the delight of a Father who sees their child enjoying what was given to them.



What has God gifted you with that can be used for His glory?


How can you enjoy your gifts and talents without seeking the approval of the world?



Lord, I thank you for natural and developed talents and abilities that I have, and hold them as tokens of love from You. I open them up to You, that they might be used for Your glory. Forgive me for the times I am caught in the praise and do not reflect it back to You. Help me to steward your gift well, and let it be an expression of love back to You. Amen