“For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14

As a mom of young kids, I’m in a consumer stage of life. I need a lot of help with just day to day tasks, like someone holding a door while I have a stroller or making faces at the kids to distract them while we’re waiting in line. If I want anything beyond day to day, I need even more, someone to sit with and love on my kids so I can attend a service, a class or even catch a quiet moment with my husband. If you’re also in a stage where you need a lot of help just to get by, it’s easy to get in the habit of taking, and excluding yourself from the call to serve.

1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” When we’re stuck in a consumer stage of life, we forget that the service of others is a grace, unearned favor toward us and our circumstances. We do not receive it as an act of love because we are looking for it as an entitlement. Therefore, we do not return the love to our neighbor.

We also forget we have been given gifts, as it can feel in our current stage, we have nothing of worth to offer, but we do! As a member of the body of Christ, we have the opportunity to serve a function that will bless the whole body. It may not be the function we once served, but we are still a member, whose presence is meant to bless others.

Today, we open our consumer mindset and ask God to show us what gifts we can use in our current season to love our neighbor as ourselves.



What God given talents and abilities do you have? What opportunities are available to you to be able to use them to serve your community and church?


How much of a time commitment are you willing to give to Jesus starting today toward serving?



Lord, as I am in a stage of life right now where I am consumed by need, help me to see where I can give. Reveal the talents and abilities you’ve given me in this season, and show me where I can put them to good use. Forgive my entitlement to your grace as it’s been expressed through people, and fill me with gratitude as my needs are met, receiving them as an act of love. Thank you for calling me to be a blessing no matter what season I’m in. Amen