“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Phil 4:8


We would all agree that we should value healthy eating habits. We have all seen the research for the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables, getting enough sleep, and getting exercise and we would all agree that they are good things. At the same time many of us spend our evenings in front of the television with milk and cookies, having let our gym membership lapse. These are the difference between stated values and real values, real values being what we actually live out.


We all recognize that reading the Bible is valuable, as is worship, as is going to church, as is just spending time with a friend over coffee asking where God has shown up in their lives this week. But many of us do not take the opportunity to turn our stated values into real ones, lacking the discipline necessary to put them into action. Today we open up our stated values and ask God to show where we are simply performing lip service, as well as reinforce the values He desires us to have.



What spiritual practices do you say that you value but aren’t in the habit of practicing?


What 1 practice are you willing to move from a stated value to a real value?



Father, I want to value that which is praiseworthy, noble, lovely, and admirable. I open up my stated values to you and I ask that you would begin to reveal where I am simply paying lip-service and I do not have a real value that I am practicing. Give me the grace to begin to move my stated values into real ones, that I would have time to practice an even make mistakes until I truly value that which you value. Amen