Join us as we have an evening of fun, food, laughter, games and raffle prizes!
Saturday, October 18 in Edge 56 and Club 34 from 5:30-8:30 (Cost: $5)
Do you wish you could meet some new people at Journey? And do you think to yourself, “Gosh, I need some fun and laughter”?! Well then, you’ve GOT to come to Game Night! You don’t need to know how to play any of the games and they’re all fun!
So, come join us as we get together for an evening of laughter, fun, food, games and prizes! We will supply the games and wonderful raffle prizes Please bring $5 to cover costs and your first raffle ticket, and if you bring a boxed meal, canned item or jar of peanut butter for the Food Bank, we will give you a free raffle ticket (up to 20 items!) Additional tickets will be on sale for $1 each.
If you need childcare, it will be $5 per family, not per child; however, this service is only available if you RSVP by Oct. 10th so we can set up enough kidcare people!
Please, please, please RSVP to Lorraine no later than Friday, Oct. 10th!
Hope you come! We will have fun! 🙂