Men’s Fall Advance Retreat

Pine Valley Bible & Conference Center
Friday, September 25 (starting at 7 pm) through
Sunday, September 27 (Noon)
Registration: $120

Guys, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to get away from the routine of life and connect with God at a deeper level. Don’t hesitate! Sign up today!

As Men we often isolate ourselves and aren’t in community when the toughest times of life come. We’ll have a chance at this Advance to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones with other men who are on a similar faith “journey.” Pastor Jonathan Woolner will be our special speaker. There will be also be small group time, hiking, swimming, archery, great food and many other games and activities in a beautiful outdoor setting. Sign up and be ready for God to change your life in many ways. You’ll never be the same.

Email Lance if you have any questions.
