Series: I Live the Journey


We all know intuitively that we were created for more than just existence. It is almost as if God’s spirit is whispering in our ear, “there are things to do and places to go!” When we listen to His voice it will mean risk, but it always leads to an epic journey with our Creator. Join us this May, as we position ourselves as a community and individuals to hear from God’s Spirit on how we can partner with God on the beautiful things He is doing through Journey in La Mesa, San Diego and to the ends of the earth.

May 1 + 3       Together – The Power of Everyone
May 8 + 10     Faith – The Power of a Step of Faith
May 15 + 17    Sacrifice – God uses our sacrifice in His heavenly economy
May 22 + 24   Vision – Power of seeing what God can do through regular us
May 29 + 31    Celebration Services

Message Outlines

Message Podcasts

I Live the Journey: Vision

I Live the Journey: Sacrifice

I Live the Journey: Faith – The Power of a Step of Faith

I Live the Journey: Together – Power of Everyone