Submitted by anonymous

It’s amazing that after I’ve started praying for people on this 40 days of “Leap of Faith,” things have been happening. Whew! And not in a way I expected. For example, I prayed for this one person, my manager, and I got a scathing letter of attacks — mostly directly against my personality, because she couldn’t any other reason! (except that I was a Christian, and she wouldn’t admit to that!) I had complied with everything she had asked me to do — immediately and without quarrel, and then I get this SCATHING attack letter, six pages long of “personal notes.” She was brutal. But, I just texted her and said, “Thank you.” She did me a favor. I now know what I need correct and what to work on to become a better Christian.

Also, now I know how to better pray for her. I also realize that it is spiritual warfare and the attacks are primarily directed against “Christ in me, the Hope of Glory.” And I consider it a privilege to be persecuted and suffer reproach for His sake and to His glory. And, to put it in perspective, it’s only a tongue lashing — not the physical whipping that Jesus got with 40 stripes minus 1 with cat-o-nine-tails with nails, glass, bone, etc.

And, I wasn’t put into prison, etc. In other words, it could be worse. But, I am reminded of Rom. 8:28 and that God’s grace is sufficient. It’s all good. To God be the glory! Praise the Lord! “Giving thanks in all things, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”