What’s the difference between Kid’s Ministry and KidCare?
by Alex Gill
At Journey Community Church we understand the importance of providing safe environments for children so that parents or guardians can have the opportunity to experience God in the variety of ways our church provides. When parents/ guardians can confidently leave their children in our staff and volunteers care they are able to worship, learn, serve, and build community worry free! Having the time to invest in yourself leads to strengthened leadership in your home. And, there are two ways in which we make this happen at Journey. During our weekly services we provide Kid’s Ministry options in our Kid’s Center. Then, during our other events throughout the week we provide a service called KidCare. Both services are integral to creating the opportunities for parents/ guardians as described, but have different strategies in achieving that goal.
Kid’s Ministry at Journey is utilized to create age and stage appropriate church experiences for children while parents/guardians attend our main worship services. Although it may look different than our adult services, children are just as capable to worship, pray, and learn about who God is! During our children’s church services we utilize stories, song, art, and group activities to lead children into encountering God. We adapt all of our curriculum to make God’s story and love understandable for all ages.
Outside of our weekly services Journey provides a variety of classes, life groups, and church events for our community. During these events we utilize KidCare. At KidCare we don’t teach our curriculum, but instead run in a more traditional childcare setting. While parents/guardians attend the church’s event, KidCare staff members ensure each child is safe. Our staff members engage children in play time, provide a small snack, and address any individual needs a child may have. Depending on the reoccurrence of an event, our staff members often become a familiar and comforting adult for the children. This enhances our ability to create a fun and loving environment for the children, especially for the little ones that have a hard time with goodbyes!
Although they are very different, both Kid’s Ministry and KidCare allow Journey to fulfill our goal to provide parents and guardians with a church experience unhindered by worry. You will leave our services, classes, life groups, or serving opportunities restored and be able to share what you experienced with your family.

Alex Gill, Journey’s Early Childhood Director