Sunday, May 20, 2018 from 2 – 4 pm
Crown Point North, Mission Bay

Our All-Church Baptism happens twice a year — and it’s for everyone! Whether you are getting baptized or not, you are invited to come to the bay. It’s a huge celebration of new life and community. We start the afternoon off with some worship and prayer. Then, from the shore or with our feet in the water — cheer on our friends and family as they get baptized! Then we eat.

BAPTISM Info Packet
Get a head start – download, read through and fill out the Baptism Info packet. Turn it in and ask any questions you may have at one of the Baptism Orientation meetings.

Follow the Journey signs to the parking area near the Basketball Courts and Restroom. The Baptism & BBQ will be located on the grassy area near the shore.

If you’re interested in being baptized, please contact Jarred at

–He will do a quick one on one interview / orientation before or after services.