We launched a new series at Journey this weekend that was all about getting ready for a “God Encounter”. Historically the church has tried to have a season of prep for a God encounter right before Easter called, LENT. Although technically we are a little late to the party as Ash Wednesday which signals the beginning of the season was several weeks ago, it’s not to late to get our hearts ready.

Special prize for anyone that can guess the significance of the shirt!

We kicked off a shoe drive in conjunction with Soles For Souls (click here), which will bring some relief to displaced people in Japan. If you go to Payless Shoes you have a pretty good chance of bumping into fellow Journeyites. Here’s one of the fun stories I’ve heard this week.
Nancy wrote:
“I was buying shoe’s today for the people of Japan, and started a conversation w/the manager, and he told me he had some shoe’s he bought a while back and gave them to me for our church collection, a total stranger, we’ve never met before, I ask him how can we thank him, w/great smile he said, “The man upstairs knows, and that’s what matters :O)”

Matthew 5:16 in action baby!!!!

Looking forward to next weekend!