It was an intense weekend but a really good one! This was the weekend in which we lay out some tracks around

We talked about Ancient Practices for a New Me. This is a kind of repeating message. We do this message in one form or another every year. The idea is we lay out some basic areas of spiritual practices & then ask people to commit to practicing those this year. It’s kind of like agreeing together to launch out. As I said in the message, it’s the place where by our decisions we make our DECISIONS experiential.

The challenge is to not speak of spiritual practices or discipline in way in which it becomes law. Part of our flesh is hard wired to go there, so I always feel like I’m in a tug of war when I’m teaching about this subject.

OUR WORSHIP (I know I say this often) was amazing. I felt in an unusual way that God was at work during the music segment. It never ceases to blow me away how many people are carrying such heavy things into the room when we gather. I had this epiphany as we were singing: we really NEED to be here together experiencing His presence.

BECOME KNOWN IN A SMALL GROUP – We tried to wave like crazy the small group flag this weekend. Our leaders are wonderful & have a real passion that no one has to do this thing alone.

21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING – This weekend we began a collective turning our hearts & minds to the Lord as we launch this year. The theme: LORD, HERE’S OUR YEAR!” The idea is that we do this together. You don’t need to fast all 21 days. We don’t even really want you to. This is an US thing. So grab whatever piece of this that you & the Lord would have you grab. You can email, facebook or Twitter me & pick a day or contact our offices. Remember too, PRAYER GATHERINGS EACH WEDNESDAY.

SELAH – I love how it worked out to begin our 21-Day prayer emphasis with a Selah. It’s great to see God moving, to hear of how He is touching, healing & delivering people as well as launching them into adventures that He has for people. Here’s an email I received about Selah, which I thought, was cool – his subject line was “Selah is Life”
Ed and Jason,
I know that I would survive in my walk with God without my monthly Selah “fix” but it sure would not be as abundant and rich! God does stuff in me that He does not seem to do elsewhere. Thanks to the two of you (and the many others!) that make this possible each month.
Blessings on all of you

I do think there is a something special about gathering, inviting the Holy Spirit to come, proceeding to worship & pray and then seeing what happens.

AN OC MOM RUN – On Saturday I made a run to the OC to see my mom. Bethany, my daughter, was able to go with me. She is so good with my mom.

One of the highlights of this week will be praying through all the cards that people filled out declaring their intention to practice some spiritual disciplines. I’m praying that we will be filled with GRACE at every turn.