1st WEEKEND OF 2011

This was kind of the official end of “The Holidays”. It felt to me like we were easing back into our normality after a huge WIN on CHRISTMAS EVE. THE WORSHIP WAS GREAT! O.k. this is more a confession of my own limitations, but I always feel a little worship deprived...


Well with a couple of days of perspective I can finally make a comment or two about Journey’s Christmas Eve services. LOTS OF PEOPLE, ESPECIALLY OUR FRIENDS – that’s the point. We make no bones about it: we want to leverage whatever holiday spirit that people have...

LITTLE MORE CELEBRATION and the Weekend that Was

O.k. I apologize about the lack of a post from last weekend. It’s not like I didn’t have any thoughts. But frankly it’s a LITTLE BUSY AROUND HERE, BUT I’M NOT STRESSED OR ANYTHING!!!!! I feel better now. I obviously needed that word about Jubilee from Sarah Benitez...