by Ed Noble | Mar 30, 2010 | Spiritual life, Weekends |
Tuesday and Wednesday of the original Passion Week was a day of debate & discourse mostly in the Temple area. He was spending the nights at Bethany (a walking distance suburb on the other side of the Mt of Olives – see Matthew 21:17) and then they would come into...
by Ed Noble | Mar 29, 2010 | Personal, Spiritual life, Weekends |
On Monday of Holy Week Jesus went into the temple and caused quite a scene. It’s called “the cleansing of the temple.” Mark gives us the added detail that Jesus didn’t go straight to turning over the tables of the money changes et al when he entered on the donkey from...
by Ed Noble | Mar 28, 2010 | Spiritual life, Weekends |
This would have been a good day to be a disciple of Jesus. You’ve known for a while, this man is The Messiah. But he has at times seemed intent on keeping people wondering. At least that’s how it looked to you. Now, Jesus rolls into Jerusalem in a way that no one, I...
by Ed Noble | Mar 25, 2010 | Theology, Weekends |
O.k. better late than never, huh? I’m finally getting around to writing down some thoughts about the tough question that we passed over in message numero uno of the “Tools & Fools” series on Saul, the king of Israel. It is the background of what you could call the...
by Ed Noble | Mar 24, 2010 | Weekends |
In the weekend services at Journey we concluded as short series on 3 of the 1st four kings of Israel called “Tools and Fools”. Check out the video created for the series by our amazing Dan Stevers Tools and Fools from Dan Stevers on Vimeo. Sometimes when you preach /...
by Ed Noble | Mar 17, 2010 | Personal, Weekends |
This was a very cool weekend! The Weekend Services were great! Personally I had a blast too (which is always nice). We were in part 2 of Tools & Fools. I have a blast preaching narratives. I love exploring the drama, the realism & the brilliant, theologically...