It was a great weekend!

Here are a few highlights:
•    3 good services – there were good crowds in each & I could tell God was working in each one
•    The New Format worship team really did do a great job of leading us. They picked a couple of new songs that worked for me, if no one else, & they picked one of my favorite classics.




•    Barbara – it’s great that she was at church, that God was working healing in her life. We had a couple of other major answers to prayer in the area of healing. On Saturday I remembered praying, “God, you need to do a miracle, a MIRACLE.” I heard the next day that this guy was out of ICU & was actually getting out of the hospital on Tuesday.
•    DANGEROUS CONNECTION MESSAGE – this message had a hard time coming together. I’ve done lots of messages on community & we could use more of them at Journey. Lots of us need to take that next step.  There is breakthrough that comes when we choose to become known. I really do remember being that “YOU”, that person that needs to take that next step in.  That I got to speak to that person was money. I also like how it turned into a talk fairly directly about YOU. Timing was o.k. On Fri, good at 9:00 and horrible at 10:45 – I went about 9 minutes over.


•    CHARGER GAME – it was funny to see almost everyone, esp at 9, in Bolts gear. It’s been great watching games & connecting with my son over football this season. What a painful game to watch! When that punt went of Weddle’s head, I thought, “Why have you forsaken us?” I’m on the Cardinals bandwagon.



** Prayers unanswered?

** Of course there are evil people… even in church!


•    ASPT – I am so grateful that those guys give so selflessly, skillfully & intensely. It’s wonderful to see people getting prayed over & how God is working.
•    21 DAYS OF PRAYER & FASTING – we put up a blog site for you who are part of our prayer & fasting season. Lots of us are in on this. More signed in this week. Click here for the blog address & share your experience. There are some really cool things up there already. It will encourage you.
•    SUN, SURF, WEATHER – Saturday was one heck of a surf day. It was 80 degrees out with what little wind being off shore. There were fun sized waves some occasionally in 3 – 4 foot range. There were 7 or us from journey, which made it even more fun.

May we really live 09 more dangerously!