Move deeper into life as a disciple of Jesus within community, engaging with scripture, prayer and one another. This could include joining a group, taking a class, or discovering a care group. Discover 201 is fluid and ongoing.

Each of our 6 Pathway classes is 4-6 weeks long and meets on campus. Classes will form our foundational knowledge of faith and life as a disciple of Jesus.
Preregistration is required for Kidcare between 6 and 8:30 pm on weeknights. The cost for Kidcare is $5 per child or $10 for multiple children per evening.Preregistration and payment for Kidcare must be complete by 5pm the day before attendance and is required weekly. You may preregister for Kidcare HERE.
Pathway Classes
Our Journey
Sundays 9:00 – 10:30 AM, Plaza Room
April 23 – May 28
Our Journey Workshops are the best way to get connected in this large community we call Journey. During our six interactive sessions we will explore the ESSENTIAL relationships, practices and experiences that will enable you to get the most out of all that we have to offer in our community at Journey. The fifth session provides a chance to learn about opportunities at Journey for small groups, classes and serving, as well as to discern your next step on our community’s Pathway of movement toward Jesus as His disciples. Sign Up
Open Your Bible – The Book of Jonah
Thursdays 6:30 – 8:15 PM, The Den
October 5 – 26 Sign up HERE
Join us for a four week class called “Open Your Bible”, this class will explore the small yet jam packed Old Testament book of Jonah. We will do a verse by verse break down throughout the four weeks of the entire book of Jonah (don’t worry it’s only 4 chapters and 48 verses.) What we are sure to recognize through our time together and study is that there is more than meets the eye as we begin to unpack it! You will learn the tools, habits, and systems to becoming a great Bible reader.
Financial Peace – The Legacy Journey
Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 PM, Corner Room
October 4 – November 8 Sign up HERE
The Legacy Journey focuses on learning a radical view of Biblical wealth and generosity. This class is a bookend to Financial Peace Basic. It’s a video teaching taught by Dave Ramsey with discussions in smaller groups facilitated by table leaders.
Formation – Practicing the Way: Video Course on the Practice of Prayer by John Mark Comer
Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 PM, Plaza Room
October 4 – 25 Sign up HERE
As you give yourself to Jesus through the Practice, please remember: The ultimate aim is not to “pray more” or “pray better.” It’s what the ancient Christians called union with God. As Julian or Norwich said long ago, “The whole reason why we pray is to be united into the vision and contemplation of him to who we pray.” It is to live each day more and more aware of and deeply connected to our Father; to be transformed into the likeness of His Son; Jesus, and to be filled with the fullness of His Spirit, to do what He made you to do in the world.
Sexuality – (Family Friendly) The Body, Sex and Relationships: Living in our World with Grace and Truth
Tuesdays 6:30 – 7:45 PM, Encounter Room
October 10 – 24 Sign up HERE
How do we sort through all the rhetoric swirling around us regarding the body, sex, and relationships in a way that enables us to live in our world with grace AND truth? We’ll identify prevailing thoughts and ideas that are destructive to the human experience of love, sex, sex and relationships and contrast them with Jesus’ direction to the kind of life that flourishes. During our time together we will learn how to share that invitation with those we love and care for (including the kids in your lives) in a way that exudes both grace AND truth.
Sign up for classes HERE!
Elective Classes
Any class not specifically designed to help form our foundational knowledge of faith and life as a disciple of Jesus (Pathway Class) is considered an Elective Class.
Yoga Faith
Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 –10:30 AM, Monday 6:30 – 8PM, Corner Room
The Bible says in Acts 17:18, “For in HIM we live and move and have our being.” The word yoga means “to yoke” or “unite.” In Yoga Faith, we “yoke” ourselves to the Trinity as scriptures are spoken over us while being guided through breath prayers and postures. We create a safe space for whatever God has for you. All levels and genders and welcome and no prior experience is necessary. Come as you are! No need to sign up. More info >
To learn more about the next steps on your discipleship path, download the class catalog or sign up for a class, please continue to below.
Small Groups
Small groups meet on campus or in homes throughout our area. These groups move us toward discipleship within the context of a close community. We not only make friends in our small groups, but we encourage each other to move toward Jesus through scripture, prayer and our relationships.
Women’s Ministry — Tuesdays at 6:30 pm and Wednesdays at 9:30 am
Men’s Ministry — Tuesdays from 6 – 8 pm in the Plaza Room
Adult Small Groups — Meet various days on the Journey campus and throughout our area
Young Adults (20-30)— Events and small groups
College Age (18-23)— Monday evening events
To find current small groups details and availability please continue below.
Care Groups
Care Groups help you find, trust and follow God through the challenges of life while connecting with others for encouragement and support. You are not alone in your struggle. Care groups provide a safe place for you to connect with God and others who are facing similar life issues. We are here to help.
To find current care groups details and availability please continue below.