CENTER, GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that Was

CENTER, GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that Was

There is so much in and around this weekend, exciting and challenging that in some ways I felt like I crawled in to the worship center. But wouldn't you know, the services ended up being exactly what I needed. I know, that’s not the point and we try to not plan...

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GROW UP, GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that was

GROW UP, GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that was

This weekend was fun for me in that I was in town, at Journey and not speaking. This is a deliberate move for us. First of all we have people that are gifted speakers in our community and we would profit from hearing their voice. Secondly, since the 1st part of the...

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EPIC FALL BAPTISM a “THIS is Church” moment

EPIC FALL BAPTISM a “THIS is Church” moment

“If you’ve ever served for one hour at Journey, if you’ve ever given one dollar to Journey or prayed for Journey Sunday was PAY DAY!” That’s what I shared in our services leading up to our BIG BEACH BAPTISM this last weekend. That didn’t express that half of it. For...

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GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that Was

GLORIOUS MESS and the Weekend that Was

There’s a deep conviction we have at Journey that A. The Vintage version of “us”, the original community of Christ-followers changed the world. “Turned the world upside down” as one of their foes put it. And B. This can happen again.   But having an overly...

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