A TIME FOR MIRACLES & The Weekend that Was

A TIME FOR MIRACLES & The Weekend that Was

One of the things that is fascinating about the story of Vintage, pristine “Christianity” is the way that the writer Luke struggles to come up with nouns to refer to this moving entity. Sometimes he refers to it as “ekklesia” (the word we translate church – which is...

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IOWA CITY and the Weekend that Was

IOWA CITY and the Weekend that Was

If you’re going to miss a weekend at Journey, you should have a really good reason. I always hate missing weekends. I love our church and our weekend services. Having said that, my weekend in I-City was STELLAR!   I was speaking at a retreat for the college...

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DEAD ENDS, VINTAGE US and the Weekend that Was

DEAD ENDS, VINTAGE US and the Weekend that Was

Vintage Us is about US! It’s our story and my favorite part of this series so far has been the My Journey’s, the current, right here, right now Vintage Us stories. Apparently there was something in the air, because I had a hard time choking this out, but Shawn...

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