We at journey are beginning the year with 21 days corporate days of fasting. Here’s an email I sent to some of our leadership and our prayer ministry peeps. I hope you will choose to dive in & participate in some way.
Hey PPT (and others),
I feel like we need to start that year seeking God – Newsflash! (Actually we need to start continue & end the year seeking God).
We need to deliberately turn our attention to the Lord as a church. I wanted you to know this is coming & to be ready to sign up for a day or 2 of fasting for THIS WEEK! Lots of people will need to think about this & check their calendars or will simply be hesitant to try not eating as way of seeking the Lord. I’d love for you guys to blaze the trail & be out there in the lobby signing up. Our goal is to have each of the 21 days covered several times over.
Let’s see WHAT God has for us!
Begin forwarded message:
Subject: 09 Fasting
We all want all of what God has for us this year, right? Yeah… me too. So it would be good for us & the church to designate as season of prayer & fasting for the purpose of seeking God as we begin a new year. Like last year, I was thinking of a 21 day corporate fast that will begin this coming Monday, Jan 5 & end on Sunday the 25. The idea is not that anyone has to fast for 21 days (of course you can if you want) but that we cover that time with various ones of us fasting on given days throughout that period. There will be sign-up tables in the lobby after each of the weekend services. I’d encourage you to pass this on to your leadership & in the case of College, HS & MS to dive in with your various communities. I’m sensing that the theme idea should be WHAT? The idea is “God, we are seeking You & want You, more of YOU. What do You want to say to me / us, what do you want me / us to do? What breakthrough do You want me / us to pray for? Hope this makes sense. We’ll encourage people to sign up for whatever kind of fast they are up for - One meal that day - Fast from a meal a day for a number of days - Daniel fast (no meats for a time) Also, over the past couple of years we have designated a few days to fast & pray together at the beginning of each ministry season. We rarely get everyone on the same dates but usually get most of us. It seems like a lot of us our out right now, so you all do what works for you. For those of us here & available, why don’t we fast together on Monday afternoon – Wednesday at lunch. If this works for you great if not no worries. Try to catch it some other time in January. It will be a normal fast like we have done (solid foods), begin after lunch on Monday, and end on Wednesday at lunch. Let me know if you have any questions. ”Seek the Lord & His Strength… seek His face continually” – 1 Chronicles 16:9