One of the fun things about the weekend services at Journey this weekend were the ‘MOMENTS” that just seemed to roll up on us. Here were a few that I experienced:
•    WORSHIP – I don’t know what it was, but sometime in the middle of the 3rd worship song in the 9:00 service there was something like a “whoosh” of the Holy Spirit that seemed to blow through the building. I wasn’t the only one that felt it. I love how God shows up as He pleases in His mercy & grace.
•    TODD TOLSON DID “GRAVITY” – The song by John Mayer was perfect. Todd did it very soulfully. This is a great song. Thanks to Todd.

•    MESSAGE MOMENTS – There were some really cool moments in the midst of the message. I love the Trampoline metaphor – challenges to our integrity are like stealing the bounce when jumping with someone trampoline. In the 10:45 service, there was an anointed moment, here’s what I wrote in my journal:
o    Speaking of whoosh – at 10:45 there was a real moment of anointing on the “save the world via us” point. I didn’t know whether I took it too far of not far enough.

•    A RISING TIDE OF PRAYER AT JOURNEY – There is clearly a rising tide of prayer at Journey. I love what God is doing & the rising tide is both as evidenced by and a result of God’s work. I probably prayed with close to a dozen people between, before & after services. There are people praying during the services. We started a class called “HEALING THE WHOLE PERSON” which is about prayer for healing. We had 60 people show up that’s without an announcement.
•    GOD’S GRACE TO OVERCOME – Rod Kaya showed up to host the services on Sunday with a Rader’s shirt on. Somehow the Lord still moved. It’s rare to hear “boos” in a church, but Rod garners them a couple of times per year. When will he learn!

There were some other fun things about this weekend for me personally.
√ Great football party at Kenny &Alex’s house watching the Chargers have at least one good quarter (that was all they needed).
√ Surf picked up on Saturday & not that many people seemed to get the word – muy fun.
√ I hate going to Home Depot – I had to go today (Monday) again. Every time I vow I will never go again. I feel like an alien there. I rarely really know what I’m doing and it always takes, no exaggeration, 3x the time that I expect.
√ Free Air Show – For some reason out in the water today the Blue Angels flew over twice. They were flying very low & seemed to be mere feet from each other.

Hope you had a great weekend.

I’ll try to add some more pics tomorrow.