The aftermath of the Leadership Summit is in part a tweaked reading list. I didn’t plan to pick any books (too many already on the launch pad) but ended up buying FOUR!

Some of us pastors are informally going to read some of them in the same order. It sounds like we are going to start with IT by Craig Groschel pastor of Life Church.TV (their 1st choice for a church name was “1st Baptist of Oklahoma City” but that was taken – JK). Craig’s message at the Summit was powerful. God definitely had my number during that session. Lots of the people that I talked to felt like Craig’s message was just for them & their ministry.

Wanna dive in? If you go to Journey it would be fun to have lots of people reading the same book even if you didn’t go to the Summit. If you are out of town IT would be a cool way to kind-of-sorta stay in touch.