Submitted by Kirsten G.

My Leap of Faith began as I started taking the Financial Peace University class and started to really look long and hard at how horrible my finances are. I have been successful everywhere else in my life but with money. I was taking the class, but still there was so much fear about money — fear of failure and fear to take an honest look. I was going to the classes but not doing the homework because I was too stressed out to look at all of it.

As the Leap of Faith study started, I began to pray that God would help me finally get a handle on my finances.

Sunday morning, March 1, I was lying in bed thinking about getting ready for church and a little voice told me to get up and do my bills. I HATE bills — I shake, I stress, I HATE Bills. But this voice said “I will be there and we will do bills together.”

Once I started, I couldn’t stop! I went back through all the Financial Peace lessons and did the work and realized that my finances weren’t great, but they were enough and more importantly, the entire morning I wasn’t scared — I was joyous! After the last bill was done, I prayed a prayer of thanks to God for being with me and the voice said, “Change what you are asking for. Ask for a new roof.”

My roof on my home is over 20 years old and leaks like crazy. Like, I need to put buckets out when it rains. The bill for my new roof is about $10,000.

So, Ok Leap of Faith. Pray for a new roof.
That afternoon, I got an out-of-the-blue phone call from my accountant. He just realized that there was an error in the last 3 years and we needed to file amendments that would result in money back.

So still praying for the roof.

This last Sunday (March 8) as I was doing the Leap of Faith prayer in the morning, I heard the voice say, “Pray for $14,000.” Ok, yeah, sure I thought. But did I pray for $14,000? YEP! I even wrote 14K in my sermon notes. (Sorry Ed)

This afternoon, I got all my paperwork from my accountant. The total I will get back is just barely under $14,000 and enough for me to live for the summer (I’m a teacher and don’t get paid in July) AND… wait for it… to get a new roof!!

Thank you God! Amen, amen, amen!!

Sorry this is so long– it all just happened and I couldn’t wait to tell someone.
